Well, I think I'm about caught up with the blogs. No pictures yet - but I have posted some of the highlights on Facebook. I will get to the pictures hopefully tomorrow. Thank you for being patient with me and the wifi. It is once again 10:30 and we have to get up at 6:00. Our days are very full with lots of walking. Soooo if some of the sentences below do not make sense, I'm sorry. We're tired, but it is an awesome tired. We're having a wonderful time. Please continue to pray.
Sunday - May 17
Today we boarded a boat and sailed the Sea of Galilee. The Sea of Galilee sits at 686 feet below sea level. No wonder Jesus loved this area. It is beautiful. So much of Jesus' ministry and many of his miracles occurred in this area. You can look around and see the cities of Tiberias, Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethsaida, and Magdala. You can see the cliff of Gadara and the Mount of Beatitudes. Luckily, the sea was calm and we didn't have to worry about calming the storm. No one tried to walk on the water either.
We had a great time of worship on the boat as well. I could sit and look out over the water and imagine Jesus trying to get away from the crowds. I could see Peter fishing. I could see the disciples and Jesus crossing the sea. It really happened - in this place. I've said it before, and it won't be the last. It is simple overwhelming to be here. Truly the trip of a lifetime. We even learned the traditional Jewish dance.
Once we arrived on the other side, we viewed the 'Jesus Boat'. It is a boat recently discovered and excavated that has been authenticated as a first century boat. Wow.
We sailed to the place of the Mount of Beatitudes. It is believed to be at this place because of the landform. The Sea of Galilee has distinct places around it. For instance, there is only one place where there is a cliff. Therefore, that is where it is believed the story of the demonic happened. So it is at this place where they believe the Beatitudes occurred from the landform. The Bible has always been a living book, but seeing the places makes it even more alive. You can envision the stories more vividly.
Another stop for the day was at Chorazin. This is a first century synagogue where Jesus visited several times. As we looked around us, we held hands and sang 'We are standing on Holy Ground' and we truly were. Ground on which Jesus had walked.
Monday - May 18
We said good-bye to the Sea of Galilee today. We drove around most of the lake and saw many of the sites mentioned in the Bible. Today is unusually hot for this time of year in the valley, close to 115 degrees.
As we drive we see the cliffs where the pigs were driven into the sea, we see newly excavated sarcophagus near Magdala. (There are many places in this area and Jerusalem where they are uncovering new ruins.) We see Capernaum, the center of Jesus' ministry. We also see the place where the disciples had breakfast with Jesus after his resurrection and he asked Peter, 'Do you love me?' Wow. We continue on to Caesarea Philippi. This is where Jesus asked His disciples, "Whom do men say that I am?"
Even though much of Israel is in the desert, there are beautiful flowers lining the roadside, along with fruit orchards galore. It is so amazing that in such a dry country, comes bananas, mangos, dates, avocados, oranges, and can't leave out the olives. Our guide continues to give God the glory for restoration of the land.
On a different note, we go through the Golan Heights. Golan is mentioned in the Bible, but became a lost city. Those old enough may recognize the name. It was the center of the Six-Day War in 1967 between Syria and Israel. Our guide was a commanding officer in that war and was able to give us details. The mountain range divides Israel and Syria.
We saw other places, but time doesn't permit me to list them all. My mind also can't retain all the information I have seen and heard. But there is one thing I cannot leave out. We did see the site of the place where Jesus was baptized. Just next to the river is the wilderness where he wandered for 40 days. I could not have pictured wilderness any better. It went for miles and miles. I will post pictures later. Across from the Jordan River was the country of Jordan. You could literally swim across to it. (At another part of the trip, we were within 20 miles of Lebanon.)
Today - Tuesday - May 19
Sunday - May 17
Today we boarded a boat and sailed the Sea of Galilee. The Sea of Galilee sits at 686 feet below sea level. No wonder Jesus loved this area. It is beautiful. So much of Jesus' ministry and many of his miracles occurred in this area. You can look around and see the cities of Tiberias, Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethsaida, and Magdala. You can see the cliff of Gadara and the Mount of Beatitudes. Luckily, the sea was calm and we didn't have to worry about calming the storm. No one tried to walk on the water either.
We had a great time of worship on the boat as well. I could sit and look out over the water and imagine Jesus trying to get away from the crowds. I could see Peter fishing. I could see the disciples and Jesus crossing the sea. It really happened - in this place. I've said it before, and it won't be the last. It is simple overwhelming to be here. Truly the trip of a lifetime. We even learned the traditional Jewish dance.
Once we arrived on the other side, we viewed the 'Jesus Boat'. It is a boat recently discovered and excavated that has been authenticated as a first century boat. Wow.
We sailed to the place of the Mount of Beatitudes. It is believed to be at this place because of the landform. The Sea of Galilee has distinct places around it. For instance, there is only one place where there is a cliff. Therefore, that is where it is believed the story of the demonic happened. So it is at this place where they believe the Beatitudes occurred from the landform. The Bible has always been a living book, but seeing the places makes it even more alive. You can envision the stories more vividly.
Another stop for the day was at Chorazin. This is a first century synagogue where Jesus visited several times. As we looked around us, we held hands and sang 'We are standing on Holy Ground' and we truly were. Ground on which Jesus had walked.
Monday - May 18
We said good-bye to the Sea of Galilee today. We drove around most of the lake and saw many of the sites mentioned in the Bible. Today is unusually hot for this time of year in the valley, close to 115 degrees.
As we drive we see the cliffs where the pigs were driven into the sea, we see newly excavated sarcophagus near Magdala. (There are many places in this area and Jerusalem where they are uncovering new ruins.) We see Capernaum, the center of Jesus' ministry. We also see the place where the disciples had breakfast with Jesus after his resurrection and he asked Peter, 'Do you love me?' Wow. We continue on to Caesarea Philippi. This is where Jesus asked His disciples, "Whom do men say that I am?"
Even though much of Israel is in the desert, there are beautiful flowers lining the roadside, along with fruit orchards galore. It is so amazing that in such a dry country, comes bananas, mangos, dates, avocados, oranges, and can't leave out the olives. Our guide continues to give God the glory for restoration of the land.
On a different note, we go through the Golan Heights. Golan is mentioned in the Bible, but became a lost city. Those old enough may recognize the name. It was the center of the Six-Day War in 1967 between Syria and Israel. Our guide was a commanding officer in that war and was able to give us details. The mountain range divides Israel and Syria.
We saw other places, but time doesn't permit me to list them all. My mind also can't retain all the information I have seen and heard. But there is one thing I cannot leave out. We did see the site of the place where Jesus was baptized. Just next to the river is the wilderness where he wandered for 40 days. I could not have pictured wilderness any better. It went for miles and miles. I will post pictures later. Across from the Jordan River was the country of Jordan. You could literally swim across to it. (At another part of the trip, we were within 20 miles of Lebanon.)
Today - Tuesday - May 19
The day started off standing on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem. We learned in detail many facts about the area. Just listening to our guide quote scripture and why and how things have and are being fulfilled is so fascinating. My mind was on overload the first day, and as I listen each day the Bible comes more alive. To see with my own eyes the places of the stories I've heard all my life. From the Mount of Olives we started the journey down the Palm Sunday Path, where it is believed Jesus made His triumphal entry into the Eastern gate of the temple area. Indescribable.
After we entered into the Garden of Gethsemane, Mike shared a devotional describing Jesus' time in the garden. Afterwards we had the opportunity to find an olive tree and pray. As Mike and I sat below that tree and bowed our heads, tears began to flow even before words came. We could feel His presence. This is where He spent His last night on earth before His death. Here I was in the Garden of Gethsemane praying to my Lord, knowing He had prayed there many times. What an overwhelming feeling. Indescribable. As we quietly left the garden, many in the group had teary eyes.
From the garden we entered the Old City through the Lion's Gate to visit the Pool of Bethesda.
After Bethesda, we walked the Via Dolorosa. It is quite different today than it was at that time, but just knowing this is the way Jesus carried His cross on the way to Calvary -- hard to absorb it all. We ended at a place where some of the original stones have been preserved. Listening to the story read from the Bible, singing Via Dolorosa, kneeling to touch the stone and praying was - Indescribable. In the stillness of that moment, His love for us just filled the room. We were on Holy Ground.
Leaving that area and continuing through the streets, we walked through the Arab section of the Old City and came to the Jewish section. We had to go through security to enter. Once inside, we were at the Wailing Wall. This is also called the Western Wall and is the only part of the original wall that Herod built around the Western side of the Temple Mount.
Leaving that area and continuing through the streets, we walked through the Arab section of the Old City and came to the Jewish section. We had to go through security to enter. Once inside, we were at the Wailing Wall. This is also called the Western Wall and is the only part of the original wall that Herod built around the Western side of the Temple Mount.
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