Thursday, May 21, 2015

I must apologize.  This blog has not worked like I had imagined.  Our days have been so full that we get up early, go all day, get back in time to eat a late dinner, clean up, and get ready for the next day.  We have seen so much that our minds and hearts are full and overflowing.  We are so tired at night that our minds go blank, especially when you struggle with the internet.  I can't believe tomorrow is our last day.  This has truly been a trip of a lifetime. Since I have not been able to blog like I wanted, I hope you have been able to see and read the updates on facebook.  We have wifi on the bus that works better than the one in the hotel, so we can visit a place, get on the bus and post it on facebook. Pretty cool.  My goal when I get home is to try to get my thoughts together and write things down.  I just hope that the feelings I am feeling will not get lost in everyday life, but linger with me for a long time.  Our guide has been wonderful.  He is 78, but so full of life.  He is so knowledgeable of the Bible, quoting many parts of it by heart.  He has a degree in Biblical Studies.  He was also a high ranking officer in the Israeli army during the Six Day War and has talked about the struggles of Israel in recent history.  Fascinating.  We will be riding down a road and he will point out places where the Syrian army would hide and say we took this back from them.  So not only have we learned biblical history, but Israeli history.  It helps us understand them more.  The only thing about Avi (our guide) is that he is a Jew and does not believe in Jesus.  He talks a good talk because of his audience, but in his heart, he is not a believer.  It's hard to believe he is not a Christian by the way he talks, but he 'doesn't buy that Jesus story' he told one of our group members.  Pray for him - Avi.  

Walking in the same places Jesus walked, seeing sights I have heard of all my life, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, singing and worshipping on Holy Ground, sailing the Sea of Galilee, place after place after place, have penetrated my life and I will never be the same.  I can only imagine what Heaven will be like.  

Not sure if I will blog again since tomorrow is the last day.  It will be a wonderful day. Three things on the agenda -- The Valley of Elah (David & Goliath), the Road to Emmaus (Avi, our guide, was on the team that helped to excavate it in 1975.), and the climax of it all, the empty tomb.  That's what it is all about.   


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Well, I think I'm about caught up with the blogs.  No pictures yet - but I have posted some of the highlights on Facebook.  I will get to the pictures hopefully tomorrow.  Thank you for being patient with me and the wifi.  It is once again 10:30 and we have to get up at 6:00.  Our days are very full with lots of walking.  Soooo if some of the sentences below do not make sense, I'm sorry. We're tired, but it is an awesome tired.  We're having a wonderful time.  Please continue to pray.  

Sunday - May 17

Today we boarded a boat and sailed the Sea of Galilee.  The Sea of Galilee sits at 686 feet below sea level.  No wonder Jesus loved this area.  It is beautiful. So much of Jesus' ministry and many of his miracles occurred in this area.  You can look around and see the cities of Tiberias, Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethsaida, and Magdala.  You can see the cliff of Gadara and the Mount of Beatitudes.  Luckily, the sea was calm and we didn't have to worry about calming the storm.  No one tried to walk on the water either.

We had a great time of worship on the boat as well.  I could sit and look out over the water and imagine Jesus trying to get away from the crowds.  I could see Peter fishing.  I could see the disciples and Jesus crossing the sea.  It really happened - in this place.  I've said it before, and it won't be the last.  It is simple overwhelming to be here.  Truly the trip of a lifetime.  We even learned the traditional Jewish dance.

 Once we arrived on the other side, we viewed the 'Jesus Boat'.  It is a boat recently discovered and excavated that has been authenticated as a first century boat.  Wow.

We sailed to the place of the Mount of Beatitudes.  It is believed to be at this place because of the landform.  The Sea of Galilee has distinct places around it. For instance, there is only one place where there is a cliff.  Therefore, that is where it is believed the story of the demonic happened.  So it is at this place where they believe the Beatitudes occurred from the landform.  The Bible has always been a living book, but seeing the places makes it even more alive.  You can envision the stories more vividly.  

Another stop for the day was at Chorazin.  This is a first century synagogue where Jesus visited several times.  As we looked around us, we held hands and sang 'We are standing on Holy Ground' and we truly were.  Ground on which Jesus had walked.  

Monday - May 18

We said good-bye to the Sea of Galilee today.  We drove around most of the lake and saw many of the sites mentioned in the Bible.  Today is unusually hot for this time of year in the valley, close to 115 degrees. 

As we drive we see the cliffs where the pigs were driven into the sea, we see newly excavated sarcophagus near Magdala.  (There are many places in this area and Jerusalem where they are uncovering new ruins.)  We see Capernaum, the center of Jesus' ministry.  We also see the place where the disciples had breakfast with Jesus after his resurrection and he asked Peter, 'Do you love me?'  Wow.  We continue on to Caesarea Philippi.  This is where Jesus asked His disciples, "Whom do men say that I am?"  

  Even though much of Israel is in the desert, there are beautiful flowers lining the roadside, along with fruit orchards galore.  It is so amazing that in such a dry country, comes bananas, mangos, dates, avocados, oranges, and can't leave out the olives.  Our guide continues to give God the glory for restoration of the land.   

On a different note, we go through the Golan Heights.  Golan is mentioned in the Bible, but became a lost city.  Those old enough may recognize the name. It was the center of the Six-Day War in 1967 between Syria and Israel.  Our guide was a commanding officer in that war and was able to give us details.  The mountain range divides Israel and Syria.

We saw other places, but time doesn't permit me to list them all.  My mind also can't retain all the information I have seen and heard.  But there is one thing I cannot leave out.  We did see the site of the place where Jesus was baptized. Just next to the river is the wilderness where he wandered for 40 days.  I could not have pictured wilderness any better.  It went for miles and miles.  I will post pictures later.  Across from the Jordan River was the country of Jordan.  You could literally swim across to it.  (At another part of the trip, we were within 20 miles of Lebanon.)

Today - Tuesday - May 19

Indescribable.  That's the only word I can think of for today.  So full of emotion that I'm literally exhausted both physically and mentally.  Most of the day is a highlight.

The day started off standing on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem.  We learned in detail many facts about the area.  Just listening to our guide quote scripture and why and how things have and are being fulfilled is so fascinating. My mind was on overload the first day, and as I listen each day the Bible comes more alive.  To see with my own eyes the places of the stories I've heard all my life.  From the Mount of Olives we started the journey down the Palm Sunday Path, where it is believed Jesus made His triumphal entry into the Eastern gate of the temple area.  Indescribable.

After we entered into the Garden of Gethsemane, Mike shared a devotional describing Jesus' time in the garden.  Afterwards we had the opportunity to find an olive tree and pray.  As Mike and I sat below that tree and bowed our heads, tears began to flow even before words came.  We could feel His presence.  This is where He spent His last night on earth before His death.  Here I was in the Garden of Gethsemane praying to my Lord, knowing He had prayed there many times.  What an overwhelming feeling.  Indescribable.  As we quietly left the garden, many in the group had teary eyes.  

From the garden we entered the Old City through the Lion's Gate to visit the Pool of Bethesda. 

After Bethesda, we walked the Via Dolorosa.  It is quite different today than it was at that time, but just knowing this is the way Jesus carried His cross on the way to Calvary -- hard to absorb it all.  We ended at a place where some of the original stones have been preserved.  Listening to the story read from the Bible, singing Via Dolorosa, kneeling to touch the stone and praying was - Indescribable.  In the stillness of that moment, His love for us just filled the room.  We were on Holy Ground.

Leaving that area and continuing through the streets, we walked through the Arab section of the Old City and came to the Jewish section.  We had to go through security to enter.  Once inside, we were at the Wailing Wall.  This is also called the Western Wall and is the only part of the original wall that Herod built around the Western side of the Temple Mount.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

So much to say, but very little adequate words to describe what we have seen and felt.  I mean, I'm literally sitting here staring at the Sea of Galilee.  It is hard to write surrounded by such a beautiful place.  And that isn't even taking into account that Jesus once walked these grounds and sailed on this sea.  Wow.  One interesting fact about the Sea of Galilee is that it sits at 686 feet below sea level.  Following this you will find some highlights of our days.  It would take too long to describe everything we have taken in.  It just boggles my mind.  Of course it doesn't take much for my mind to be boggled.  

We have finally made it to the Holy Land.  When we stepped off the plane and my feet touched solid ground, I thought, I am here.  But it didn't really hit me until we were on the bus to the hotel about an hour later.  I'm in Israel.  I am in the Holy Land.  This is where Jesus grew up and taught.  He walked all over these hills.  At that moment when I was sitting in the stillness and quiet (after 30 hours, everyone was too tired to talk), I felt His presence - and I knew this was going to be a special trip.  He finally brought us out of Egypt into the Promised Land through Frankfurt Germany.  (See first post.)  His presence just washed over me giving a new freshness and willingness to see with my own eyes the places where He lived.  

We stayed the first night on the Mediterranean Sea.  It was beautiful.  Below you will see a picture of it taken from our balcony(1). One of the highlights of the first day was going to Caesarea.  It is here where we saw ruins of Pontius Pilate's home on the sea and the Hippodrome.  But the best part was the amphitheater.  This is where Paul made his defense when he was arrested.  Below you will see Mike speaking to our group in the same amphitheater (2). Another highlight was Mt. Carmel and The Valley of Armageddon.  Seeing the Valley of Armaggeddon was amazing.  Knowing the stories past and future of this place was ever so interesting.  Avi, our Jewish tour guide, is very knowledgable in his Bible and history. (He even knows the names of all the plants along the side of road.)  He gets so excited to describe the land he loves. After visiting these places we listened to Days of Elijah.  (If you don't know why, read up on those places.)  What a wonderful time as our bus of 22 broke out in joyful worship singing.  We were riding along the highway where Elijah actually stood and fought.  Elijah - you know how long ago that was? Thousands....  One last highlight was seeing the city of Nazareth, home of Jesus.  Once it was considered a small, lowly community.  Now it is thriving taking up the hillside. Then we ended the day on the Sea of Galilee at our hotel.  Great things are in store for this week.




Once again it is 10:30 and we have a very early morning.  I will work harder on catching up with my days tomorrow.  

This next couple of blogs have been written over the course of two days.  At least I think it has only been two days.  With the delay in getting here, and the tours, and trying to catch up with sleep, the days have run together.  Also the wifi hasn't been the best and I couldn't get to the blog site.  So, I did make a couple of notes in Word and am going from there.  It is Sunday afternoon right now.  I'm sitting on our balcony overlooking the beautiful Sea of Galilee and cannot believe we are here.  The things we have seen are unbelievable.  But let's do things in order. 

May 15

I’m sitting on an airplane.  It’s dark outside, but I see lights, so I know there is land down. there.  We left Germany about three hours ago, so we should be getting close.  They said our ETA to Tel Aviv would be around 11:00 p.m.  (which is 3:00 p.m. Texas time.(  From three we still have customs to go through and a 45 minute bus drive to the hotel.  Have I mentioned how tired we are.  We left the house at 11:00 a.m. Thursday morning to catch the bus at the church for our ride to the airport.  So, if I have done the math correctly, and Mike says I have, but we are both tired, we left 26 hours ago.   AND we are not there yet.  The good news is – we are really going to the Holy Land this time.  I know God has His plans for us and He is in control.  We will begin the actual tour bright and early in the morning.  Once we get started though, I’m sure our enthusiasm and time of worship will overcome our weariness. 

Our flights so far have been very nice.  Good hot food, movies to watch, even hot towels to clean your hands, and no we were not first class.  Lufthansa just seems to be a step above the other  airlines.

I will update again once we arrive at the hotel.  This email will probably be sent out at the same time.  Even if I wanted to, I can’t send it out now.  Too high in the sky with no wifi.  I really hope this makes sense, we are really tired.

May 15/16


We arrived at the hotel around 1:15 a.m.  Talk about nice!  This is the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in.  Too bad we didn’t get here in time so we could enjoy it more.  We are on the 26th floor, our balcony is bigger than my patio at home, we are overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the city of Netanya.  It is called Island Luxury Suites.  They are.  The living area is two stories tall with wall to wall, ceiling to floor windows so we can look out over the water.  The bedroom is upstairs with one wall completely glass so you can look down on the living area or out the window at the water.  It also has two bathrooms.  The chandelier in the living area is about 15 feet long and beautiful.  We got in our room, had to check everything out, get ready for the next day, rearrange some things in the suitcases because they had to be out in the hall at 6:30 a.m.  We were so pumped up and excited that we didn’t want to go to bed, but it was now almost 3:00 a.m. and we had to get up at 7:00.  (They decided to give us an extra hour sleep since it was so late.)  30 hours it took from the time we left our house to the time we got our room – that’s a long time and we were tired.  I’m writing this the next night because I was too tired to write it when we arrived.  Plus, the wifi wasn’t working enough to get to the blog.  After a full day on the bus, and seeing many wonderful sights, we are crashing tonight.  Once again, this wifi is not working.  I can’t even text.  We can on the bus, but not at the hotel.  So, I am closing out for now.  I made some notes, and hope I can remember everything I saw and felt.  I will try again tomorrow and include some pictures.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Well, here we sit in the airport at DFW.  It has been a long day already and we haven't even left the ground.  We got up this morning excited, ate, finished up last minute packing hurriedly, and then the phone call came.  The plane was delayed for three hours.  That would mean we would miss our connecting flight out of Germany.  Start calling and texting people.  So what happens now?  Stop, slow down, God is in control.  So, we slowed down, ran some last minute errands, and was ready to wait it out.  Then another phone call came.  Oh, just because the plane is delayed doesn't mean you are.  You still have to be at the airport at the same time.  Hurry, call everyone back.  We made it to the airport - on time for the first flight which wasn't there.  No other flights available today except the delayed one.  We checked in and each of us were given a $20 food voucher for our trouble.  So we ate at the Reata.  It was delicious.  We spent $40.02.  Best two cent dinner I've ever had.  Could not have planned it any better.  Gratuity could not be included on the voucher, so we used it all.  So now we sit and wait.  The plane leaves at 6:45.  Because of the delay, we will miss our connecting flight.  The only other plane out is six hours after we get there.  So instead of arriving in Jerusalem at 2:30 in the afternoon we will be arriving after midnight, only to get up at 6:30 and begin the tour of the Holy Land.   We are still excited and anxious to get there and begin the tour.  Everyone is in good spirits, just ready to leave.  Below is a picture of Mike and Victor.  Victor is the owner of the tour company.  Great guy.  He has done everything he could to help us out. He's giving us our last minute instructions.  Continue to pray.  I will continue to let you know about our adventure of getting to Israel.  We are going to make it this time!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the day we board the plane and fly to Israel.  Wish I could sing that song - "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go..."  At least I can say I'm almost there.  Everything seems so unreal.  It's just another trip we are packing for and leaving tomorrow.  But it's not.  It's a trip Mike has dreamed of taking for years, and have attempted twice before.  So, what are my thoughts right now?  Well, last night at midnight they were swirling around in my head.  Do I have everything out ready to be packed?   Will I be able to go?  (had sore throat, fever & chills -- but now taking an antibiotic and feeling better)  Why am I so anxious?  Did I remember to do this?  Etc., etc., etc.  This past week has been a full week with a lot of things happening.  Just thinking about being on that airplane for 15 hours is enough to make you anxious.  Every morning after my quiet time, I always read from Jesus Calling.  It is one of my favorite books.  It always seems to be right on for me at the right time.  I have learned to call on Him more when things get stressful or anxious, to be more thankful even when things aren't going my way, to call on Him more often in the middle of the day just because, just to name a few.  Things like that are life changing.  It happened again this morning.  After a restless night thinking about the trip, hoping I get well enough to go, making to do lists, hoping I get it all done, I was reassured by His word.  Part of the devotion this morning stated, "Thank Me in the midst of the crucible.  When things seem all wrong, look for growth opportunities.  Especially, look for areas where you need to let go, leaving your cares in My able hands.  Do you trust Me to orchestrate your life events as I choose, or are you still trying to make things go according to your will?   .....  Be on the lookout for what I am doing in your life.  Worship Me by living close to Me, thanking Me in all circumstances."   Verses stated were
 I Peter 5:6-7 and I Thessalonians 5:18.  Look them up and let them bless you.

Now, for the trip, we are so excited for this opportunity.  One of the sweetest things happened yesterday.  Denver, our oldest grandson, has been learning about all those things I once learned as a child.  One of the things that really stuck with him is Jerusalem.  He wants to go.  He told his mom he wants to go see Mt. Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, and Jerusalem.  When I told him I was going to Jerusalem he got really excited and wanted to go with us.  Well, since he couldn't, he asked, "Nana, will you facetime me from the tomb?  I want to see it empty."  Oh, the faith of a small child.  He hasn't seen, yet believes.  He knows that tomb is empty.  It will make it an even more special visit thinking about Denver's faith.  I had to explain to Denver that I couldn't do that because the tomb probably didn't have wifi.  We promised him a picture and maybe even a video.  That is just one stop on our trip.  I look so forward to a time of worship as we walk were Jesus walked.  Continue to pray.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Once upon a time a little girl went to church with her family.  She had been taken to church since she was two weeks old.  She went every Sunday and Wednesday, and any other time the church was open.  Now she was four years old and going to the 'Beginner' department.  (That dates me I know.  Just in case you have no idea what that means -- it's the four & five year olds.)  She began to hear great stories from the Bible.  She began to hear names such as Bethlehem, Calvary, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River just to name a few.  As she grew older the names became more familiar, and others were added to the list.  She knew the names.  She knew the stories.  She saw pictures along with these stories.  She could imagine in her mind how the stories happened.  She loved the stories.  She had Bible story books and read them over and over.  She believed them to be true.  At the age of nine she believed with all her heart that Jesus lived, and died just for her.  She asked Him to come and live in her heart.  And He did!  Since that time, she continued learning more about those places and stories.  But those places and stories happened a long time ago.  That little girl could not even imagine seeing the places where Jesus walked and taught his disciples.  Much less where He hung on the cross for her, giving His life.  And then conquering death and rising again three days later!  Did you ever feel like that?  It's just a place long time ago where Jesus and His disciples lived and ministered.  Just a place -- so long ago.  Yes, it was a long time ago, but the ancient city of Jerusalem still stands.  And that little girl has grown up, married a minister whose dream was to visit the Holy Land,  and is going -- to walk where Jesus walked and taught, to ride a boat across the Sea of Galilee, to see the Garden of Gethsemene, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, to view an empty tomb, and many other sites.  

Mike has always wanted to go to the Holy Land.  This will be our third attempt to go.  The first time didn't work out.  A group from the church was going, but never made it out of Burleson.  The company decided to close down right before our trip, and took our money with them.  Second attempt we made it closer. Mike and I found a Holy Land cruise.  What could be better than seeing the Holy Land and going on a cruise at the same time?  It even included seeing sites outside of Israel, like the island of Patmos.  We were so excited.  I was more excited this time than the first.  We were to set sail from Rome.  After seeing the sights of Rome, we made a stop at Pompeii, then on to Egypt.  After seeing the sights of Egypt (once is enough!), we boarded the ship and set sail for Israel. When we wake up in the morning, we would be there!  The Holy Land!  Then we became 'Moses'.  God brought Moses out of Egypt, but said you will not enter the Promise Land.  Just before bedtime, our ship caught on fire and we were stranded in the Mediterranean Sea.  (That's a whole other story.)  We never made it to Israel.  We were towed back to Egypt and sat in dock until we could be flown home.  So here we are -- our third attempt -- leaving May 14 and returning May 23.  As the days get closer, the reality of it is overwhelming. What do we take?  What will it be like?  How will I feel?  Is it safe???  Then we step back and know God is in control of all things.  This is a trip I never want to forget. My plans are to take time each night to record the highlights of each day and try to describe my feelings of being there.  Of course, I'm sure I will include a few pictures along the way.

This blog is intended mainly as a diary for my personal use to remember each day and when we return to put it in book form so our trip will live longer than our memories.  But I don't mind if you join us while we are on this wonderful journey on one condition -- that you will pray for us while we are there.  Please pray for safety, health, and God's blessings for the whole group.